First press statement by His Excellency the Governor
"To the citizens of the City-State of Snowstone:
Holy hell. New year, new problems. This year we are at risk of being dragged into a full-scale war and/or a new invasion from a foreign power.
As Governor, I declare a nationwide state of emergency until further notice due to the intensity of such threat as reported by the Snowstone National Constabulary. If we want to ensure Snowstone's stability. I appeal to you, dear citizens, to work together to ensure that Snowstone will still stand the test of time. From acts such as producing flatfish crackers or joining the Constabulary's reserves, you have proven yourself deserving to be called a Snowstoner.
I appeal to students across the nation to study hard and excel in many ways that your acquired skills may be used to innovate the nation further.
I appeal to workers across the nation to keep up the good work for the betterment of the nation. Your works, whether they are handicrafts or copies of weaponry from allies and aggressors, have always been vital for both the government and the people since the nation's foundations.
I appeal to all personnel in the Snowstone National Constabulary to protect with pride and serve with care. Your efforts, such as patrolling the streets or infiltrating enemy territory to acquire blueprints, are not unnoticed.
As servants of the people, it is our duty to serve Snowstone and the law. Whether we emerge as victorious or otherwise, let me make it clear for you:
Snowstone has not perished yet as long as we live."
-His Excellency the Governor of Snowstone
Sadly, we cannot get the weather report because the radar is under maintenance.
@F16xl The former enemy turned allies after being cornered and obliterated during the previous war.
Now has joining the Snowstone side and now it's reformed as "Imperial Industries"
Guys, remember TypoA
I think I can help with that... 👀
@SamuelJamesCastor bruh :(
@SuperSuperTheSylph Probably not gonna be fixed, someone took some of the parts.. and they're probably wired up in an SNC car somewhere.
when is weather radar gonna get fixed?
also could you add me to the tags please?
I'm trying not to escalate this war by getting involved
But I'm very tempted to cover Snowstone with FI-90Ns...
(The FI-90s are defensive interceptors, just wanted to make that clear so I can establish whose side I'm on lol)
@Monarchii Yooo Monarchii's back :D
I remember this
Ooooooolala this is interesting. I might have to make my own fictional country soon(If I have time lmao)
@LunarEclipseSP OOF
24? Isn't it supposed to be 25?
"Radar's on maintenance..."
-guy handing B-85/A Cruise missile prototype
Oh, more?!
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