Project Introduction :
"Scattered Flourite Skies" is a Fictional Story aircraft Project set in the real world of 2024-2044.
Flourite’s Aircraft will be a Replica of Real-world Aircraft or Completely Fictional Aircraft. The story of the world that was impacted by a Landing Castle from space in 1990. After the impact in 1990, Humanity was invaded by other Space species from space, which later called “Spacian.” The war has been dragged on for 10 years and is called The Asterisk War. The War Ended in 2000 with Spacian temporary Withdrawal from the Earth Because the moon was destroyed In 2002 resulting in Meteor raining upon the earth. After the temporary withdrawal of Spacian. Terran has formed a United Earth Allied Force to withstand Spacian.
(I write this in a hurry so expect a lots of plot hole)
Introduction :
In 2036 the GCOG started their own Aircraft program in the name of the NEXUS Project in collaboration with ORCA an AI company that developed “Arial-X” for AFX-25. Result In XFR-74 “Ophelia” the first ever Full Humanoid AI support Aircraft and the AI was named “Ophelia”. As Ophelia made her first appearance to the public, many organizations targeted the program and Ophelia. After the success of the development, XFR-74 received its Official name AFX-29 “NEXUS”.
AFX-29 “Nexus” Prototype name XFR-74 “Ophelia” The world's first ever Full Humanoid AI support Aircraft developed by GCOG. AFX-29 is a variable fighter developed from XFR-48E Herrscher. AFX-29 has a Humanoid Combat Support AI “Ophelia”. AFX-29 is also equipped with a TLS, “Tactical Sound Waves Jamming unit” and AWACS Radar inside the aircraft similar to ASF-X WhiteNight. With its high performance, even the next-generation Aircraft still can't compare. But because Sudden Attack by the Spacian at the GCOG Facility Destroyed the Data of the Program. Because of this, only 1 AFX-29 has existed.
- The aircraft is still working in progress additional aircraft details will be added as the development goes on.
- This is not important but if you are curious why do I use one forum and always update it instead of creating a new one? The answer is simple "I am lazy".
Aircraft posted in xxxx/xx/xx
STATUS: Work in Progress
- Airframe
- Eject System
- Weapon
- Lights
- Fly-by-Wire
- Display
- Landing Gear
- Pilot Cockpit
Work in progress:
- WSO Cockpit
- Start Up Process
- Ramjet
- Air-to-Air Refuel probe and port
Here are some screenshots of AFX-29 NEXUS
@LunarEclipseSP combined together, kinda sounds like Moby Dick
It's so Cool. Next, you build a USAF F-22C raptor plus Please.
Mobius Maverick