This site glitches sometimes. One of the particularly annoying ones is false blocks. A few times I've found myself (and heard of others) blocked for seemingly no reason (sometimes by people I've never interacted with, though there are valid explanations that do work there). While some of these remain unknown in reason, I know for fact that at least a few were never intended by the person blocking and were the result of a site glitch. Fortunately some have been resolved, but the issue persists.
Cutting to the chase, if this issue cannot be rectified through patches, I believe there should be some sort of mechanism to confirm that a player was blocked intentionally. I cannot recall whether these false blocks appear on the blocker's block list, it's been a while since one of these cases was resolved for me. If not, this problem is made greater by the fact someone may not find the strangely appearing username on the block list in the rare times they check it.
The current policy of blocks remaining a forbidden topic is understandable in most cases (e.g. harassment), though puts me under the impression that, say, asking someone to ask the blocker and confirm for you is against the rules (when it is the most effective way to confirm, if clunky). I've gotten the feeling that asking a moderator about someone's block of oneself is a quick way to get in trouble, due to the wording of the rules and the general methods through which rules have been applied on this site in the past few years.
The site randomly blocking two people without problems between themselves is frankly ridiculous, so should have a solution, whatever that may look like.
Note, I am not advocation intentional block evasion. I only advocate so far as finding an officially permitted means to confirm if a block was intended or not, whatever that may look like.
Bro, I’ve blocked like four people too, I unblocked one, 2 are bots, [one defo] and one build copyer. But yeah, I got blocked from someone even tho there was no drama, so that sucks.
Along with graingy, my block list only consists of people who have long left the site stemming from drama from eons past. If you can't comment on my garbage, it's a bug.
Might as well say, if you're seeing this and are blocked by me, it is definitely a glitch. My block list is, like, four names long. Two were bots, two were troll accounts.
@Graingy It’s good, thanks!
@F16xl Pinned, if that's okay with you.
Wait how'd you do that? TM?
@V Aw shucks
@Graingy arwing soon™
@LowQualityRepublic Consider yourself lucky.
Though it's impossible to confirm if an out of nowhere block is intentional or not, thus the forum.
never experienced that bug before
@V I'm pinning that, if you're okay with it.
On another note, I've almost caught up! Better post something before I useless ass overtakes you lol
I have a few users on my blocked list that I haven’t spoken a word to or haven’t seen at all lol. I’m blocked by @FoxtrotCharlieCharlieX even though I’ve only commented on one of his builds once, which is a shame because I really like his builds but I can’t seem to comment on his builds/posts.
@Graingy it definitely is, i certainly hope the devs will fix this site issue once sp2 is released, or atleast find a solution to fix the issue if they couldn't find the main cause of this as you've said, because my god it's annoying when it happens
@YarisSedan Goodness that is bad
@Graingy 3 or 4 i think? and i think the last time it happened is probably a few months or years ago, i couldn't remember exactly
@YarisSedan How many? How long ago was this?
@Graingy oh absolutely, thankfully it's all sorted out now, but still
@L1nus So it's unclear if it was a glitch or just for forgotten reason. Hm, that's less useful...
@YarisSedan You have known cases?
100% agreed with you, it's so annoying when the site randomly blocks users i either have no problem with, or users i didn't even recognize at all.
@Graingy that is true
i didn't remember blocking you but i did apparently
@L1nus I believe it was you who had be blocked in the past without intending so, though I could be misremembering. Do correct me if I'm wrong.