Deciding to do something fun to fill the time.
Comment a number. A reasonable number, that is. 1-48, roughly. If 48 is above the max number of possibilities (I haven't counted) it will be lowered to whatever the highest actual value is.
Whatever number gets counted the most, I'll pin a link to the corresponding* Unlisted craft from this account.
Dead projects, file transfers, origin investigations of old downloads. The like.
If it is linked it does not discount the possibility of future upload entirely. If the unlisted has already been shown elsewhere, tough luck.
*If the post is an (eventually) upcoming post, or has private conversation in the comments, it will not be assigned a number.
Sad trombone noises
It’s a modified download!
Well, that’s too bad…
I’m just gonna tag anyone who made a vote since there’d be no other likely way they’d see the results.
The winner was 3. Two threes.
Perhaps I should’ve done it by average… in any case, gotta go get the thing. Whatever that was.
Alright, reckoning time.
@Graingy 30 then
@overlord5453 @SPsidearm A slight adjustment, I counted and the limit is 38. To prevent 38 from winning by default from two different votes (43 and 47 would both become 38), could you confirm your choices?
@Graingy aw
@YarisSedan I... see?
@Boeing727200F Not an option. Please follow the rules given.
@Graingy already did, second comment on this post(I do want all :D)
@Graingy bruh my ass genuinely mistook this forum post as your unlisted post for some reason lmao
@YarisSedan Please stay on topic, yes?
@Boeing727200F Choose one number between 1 and 38.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48
3, the lucky number
I want all :D
or approximately 19
(234682/243458)/ π³*i²*-1+e³-1.11
Counted, I think there are 38 possibilities, roughly.
I'm gonna close this by the end of the day, I think.
That's, eh, 10-12 hours? Ish?