Following the Failed invasion of Playground island, the Royal Retronian Armed forces High Command (RRAF HICOM) Has decided on attacking both Ice Base and Snowstone, even if it didn't matter much.
Damaged A-7 Daverstya returns to Hamcar AFB.
Airwatch (RRAF Air ministry) retired it's F-15s and YF-DW-2s. As a result, HICOM sends it's newly bought A-4Ns and F/A-6C ADVs, which they bought from Israel (via the Teleporter) and Krabait Industries respectively, along with the RRAF Cargo planes and Mercenaries. Photos of the planes attacking ice base were also leaked, here are some;
A-4N Ayits of the 8492th Attacker wing makes it's way to Icebase.
A-4N and F/A-6C ADVs of the same wing make way.
Viper, who is he? All i know that he's from the 105th Aerial Defence Regiment.
One of the first Intruder IIs fire Skipper III AGM.
As i said, The RRAF also invaded Snowstone, here some pho- CONTACT-!
RRAF A-400 Last moments before dropping Agent-15B barrels to Snowstone.
RRAF M60 Patton successfully drops into a part of Avalanche.
Ditto, but with 2 RRAF Recon Tank CWs.
ALLY Great Monarchy of the Whimsy (?):
Any questions about Agent-15B, ask Veridisia.
TGT Snowstone:
TGT Veridisia:
@SPsidearm ohh
Roll was slow.
@SPsidearm b r u h
extra fact, recon tank CWs are Canonically made in the 1960s, but adopted in 2017.
@SPsidearm unfortanatly yes
You just found out recently?
the recon tanks are just M18 GMCs with jackhammer turrets
@SPsidearm last time i checked, it was really maneuverable. I think you mistook dagger for cyclone.
not maneuverable enough
can you port a fully intact YF-DW-1A to the simpleverse if can
@SPsidearm why retire ut though?
Too soon.....
Yes, BESH.
is it what I think it is?