So. When I load a build from my plane files and then move the rotators or mirror them, the speed resets to the default speed.
I was trying out ideas on my drone but then if i mirror the rotator it suddenly changes to the default normal speed.
I was not doing anything to the rotator
This is like the old bug when you open the properties menu then it suddenly sets the sliders to max.
@TheFlyingGoose exactly what I thought. When you go beyond the default limit, you should not open the rortor menu or it will reset.
@ZeroWithSlashedO oh ok but its kinda annoying that i have to edit the rotors again
@overlord5453 2000% and the speed value is 20
not really?
it's just the game trying to force it back to normal values
@TheFlyingGoose 20% ?
@ZeroWithSlashedO sooo is it a bug??
@overlord5453 idk the default limit but the speed value is just 20
some parts actually do this
the game doesn't like you putting a value higher than maximum for certain parts so it resets whenever you reload it
Did you increased it beyond its default limite?
@Mahoots i havent got it on video yet because its hard to replicate. I just stumbled about it when i was trying to build a different fuselage for my drone after loading it
having trouble visualizing this, do you have a video?