Ok almost evrything I’m about to say is classified. But to say the least I went though was, something.
Waited forever for a test to happen, it happened to say the least.
Particle accelerators seem to make thing 10 times worse
I have no idea what the guys at [REDACTED] are doing but they are 100% not making a cure for [REDACTED]
Hats are made out of Staluminum and can survive almost everything
Combining 3 different [REDACTED] turns them into one big [REDACTED] with [REACTED] somehow
I begged for the bullet and got the bullet, a lot of bullets
There seems to be no [REDACTED] as if there was this whole operation will be removed off the face of the earth.
I am 100% not slightly traumatized at what I went through
The other 2 people I was with had to go through basically the same fucked up thing but far worse.
What the hell were in those test tubes I drank?
I had a particle accelerator fired at me twice and lived though both
What the fuck did I just sign up for?
Oh yeah btw I’m fine now, everything is back to normal, at least I hope.
New planes will be posted once uhhh every uhhh idk whenever I can post
Boeing PSA: what the hell did I just go through?!
32.1k Boeing727200F
12 days ago
Chat should I try to mount a particle accelerator to a heavy bomber?
@MosquitowithaMachineGun video game
@Boeing727200F was this real!?