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39.0k Graingy  one month ago

Entirely off topic, but I'm using the company megaphone to broadcast my euphoria.


Twenty-kill War Thunder match, 5.0 lineup, 5.7 match, Advance on the Rhine, USA, 4 spawn/death. Defeat.

That is all.

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    @Graingy So it would seem.

    4 days ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    @OrangeConnor2 Oh you’re back

    4 days ago
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    @GuyWhoBuildStuff Quit fraternizing with the enemy.

    4 days ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    @GuyWhoBuildStuff so it would seem.
    I have a hard time taking them seriously past their uptier range, though.

    one month ago
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    @Graingy Idk then. Maybe I’m just getting lucky when I play it, but I always seem to do better when I use it

    one month ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    When playing 4.0 Soviet I am much more afraid of M4s than I am of M24s, which are a one click. The M4 takes aiming.

    one month ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    @Guywhobuildsstuff If that's the aim then there's the Jumbo only 0.3 above the Panther. And it has APCR. Frankly a BT-5 would do you nearly as good, I reckon.
    Honestly I just can't get behind it. While many of my K/Ds have recovered since my early days, the M24's stays bad. Perhaps I'm too forward...
    Only things it has over the M4 is a reverse gear, higher top speed, and smaller size. Barely quicker. Also the reload is ass, completely losing the advantage the Sherman has over its German and Soviet equivalents armament-wise.
    The .50 might have higher elevation, I'd need to check...
    Checked. It does.

    M24 Has:
    -Slightly quicker
    -Higher top speed
    -Useful reverse gear
    -Smoke grenades
    -Better AA abilities
    -No armour (was killed by Panther's ammo detonation while doing a test drive just now)
    -Longer reload, negating the US 75mm's primary advantage over the L-11/F-34 and KwK 40

    M4 has:
    -Fairly tough turret armour, passable hull armour
    -Very quick reload
    -Mediocre top speed
    -Frustratingly low .50 elevation

    I honestly consider the armour and reload to be the M4's greatest strength, far outshining the slight (forwards) mobility advantage of the M24.

    one month ago
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    @Graingy yeah, I I fixed that last night and got that alr match. Not great but several times better than what I usually do.

    You’d be surprised what the M24 can do against panthers. Flanking and fitting in tight spaces is its specialty. Get to the side or rear of a panther and it’s dead unless it has teammates nearby behind them or that are aware of my presence. I got a majority of my kills and assists that match from the M24. 4 kills, and 2 of the assists (one from spotting, one from damage). If you use it right, it’s good. Even several BR higher than it should be

    one month ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    @Guywhobuildsstuff No? 4.3 faces Panthers. That's 0.7 over its intended BR. And it's not quick, though perhaps ages better than the (in my opinion much better when played at its intended BR) M4 since armour is irrelevant anyways.
    4:7, a respectable match.
    I heavily, HEAVILY suggest you don't mix BRs. That's self sabotage.
    For a ground battle, ground vehicle BR takes priority. An aircraft should not decide the match BR.

    one month ago
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    @Graingy the M24 is quite effective in the 4.3 lineup actually. It has the same gun as the M4, it is very speed but its trade off is terrible armor.

    Last night after realizing I’m a moron, I took my 4.7 aircraft out of the lineup and did pretty all right. 4 deaths 7 kills 5 assists

    one month ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    @Guywhobuildsstuff I never understand the M24. Hate the thing myself, but apparently others like it? I don't get it.
    The M4A2 has better hull armour and a higher top speed, at the cost of getting nerfed with the turret weakspot. Also APCR 'cause higher BR.
    Firstly, I'd recommend not mixing BRs. Why face 5.0s in your 3.7 M4 if you don't
    have to? I only mix at lower tiers if there isn't a lineup by itself (e.g. putting the M4A3 105 with my 3.3 lineup).
    Secondly, the 75mm of the M4 can absolutely penetrate the KV-2. Aim for the turret ring if its angled funny. The ring itself may eat the shot, but its a round plate so cannot be angled.
    ... Wait, you put 4.7 aircraft in the same lineup as a 3.3 vehicle? Goodness, remind me of me when I was new (minus the aircraft, I hardly pursued those). The number of timed I died in my M4A2 against Tigers and Panthers...
    Awful times. Do not do that. Ever.

    one month ago
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    @Graingy I typically use the M24 for flanking, the M4A2 and M4 (basically the same tank, no?) for front line combat, M10 for sniping and heavy armor penetration, and the M42 for scouting/ light armor destruction/ Anti-Air. (Also surprisingly effective on panzers). I also run a few 4.3-4.7 aircraft -which is probably my problem- for CAS/Anti-Air.

    but you still can’t pen a KV-2s armor with anything besides the M10, which, in my experience is the only US tank in that tier that can effectively pen armor over range.

    I’m waiting till I have enough Tier 5 tanks researched to completely swap to it. Since US has no 4.3-4.7 the swap would be brutal without swapping everything

    one month ago
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    2,021 Ashdenpaw1

    I eat tide pods

    one month ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    @Guywhobuildsstuff Which vehicles? I find the 75mm M4s to be quite adequate overall. And... I suddenly realize the US has no 4.3 or 4.7 ground vehicles (T14 excluded, fuck that thing).
    KV-2 was majorly nerfed whenever it was they killed its penetration, I think.

    one month ago
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    @Graingy same here, expect it’s not 5.3, it’s 4.3-4.7ish. I hate playing America mid tier. Paper armor and terrible shells against the soviets and Germans. Ik you’re meant to flank but my monkey brain sees KV-2 and clicks, then dies 5 seconds later

    one month ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    @Guywhobuildsstuff Aw, shucks!
    Would have been cool. Small world-type stuff, y'know?
    And yes, I really did. And just a couple days prior I'd tortured myself after finishing a match having just taken a shot slightly too low to get a 20th kill. I think the same day as the 20 kill match I'd also gotten a, like, 17 kill too. Good weekend, that was.
    I'm often a monster in low tier. Moment I go past, eh, 5.3, I become absolutely useless.

    one month ago
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    @Graingy ah, none of those are me.

    Side note: holy shit you really did pop off.

    one month ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    @Guywhobuildsstuff More meant the match in general.
    Fortunately, I screen recorded the entire replay... twice. Had to restart at one point after it didn't follow my respawn automatically.
    Anyways, are any of these usernames your own?

    one month ago
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    @Graingy I don’t remember, I didn’t hyper examine the name lol. It’s been like what? 3 days or smthn

    one month ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    @YarisSedan ooh lmao

    one month ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @Graingy that earlier comment where you tried tagging me, but for some reason it's misspelled

    one month ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    @Guywhobuildsstuff Can you tell me absolutely everything you remember about it? I’m reluctant to announce my own username. Do you remember anything being said in chat? Banter about anything (as I tend to talk a lot)?
    @YarisSedan Typo? Where?

    one month ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @Graingy is the typo intentional or is it unintentional?

    one month ago
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    @Graingy It was words. Idk what it was tho

    one month ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    @Boeing727200F What...
    I have no idea... wait, Middle East? That side can have serious spawn camping issues on the left side. Idk if there's a way to avoid it, it's been a while since I was spawn sniped on that map. Idk if they removed that spot, last time was years ago for me.

    one month ago
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