Top image is on PC.
The vertical speed indicator simply does not show up on PC. I uploaded the craft from my phone and downloaded it on my pc, and no changes to it were made.
I also copied the code directly from my phone and pasted it on my PC but it still won't work
@WNP78 Images should show up now
@WNP78 Thanks. This line should show the vertical speed of the craft
I can't see the images, but there is different code in the backend of FT on PC/mobile due to some platform differences - but they should should act the same. If you can give an FT expression that gives a different result on PC/mobile then I can look into it when I get time (lot on at the moment). You can also force the PC version to use the mobile-like backend with the dev console command
SetExpressionEmit false
(but the mobile version cannot use the PC backend). You'll have to restart the level for that to take effect.@KSB24 @L1nus so it's not just me who's also experiencing strange funkytree compatibility issues right? because i've always thought that it has something to do with my sp mobile version, which mind you, is all up to date, so either a few recent update for sp mobile broke something in some way or another or ft is just slightly different on mobile, hence the compatibility issues i've just mentioned
@KSB24 This also happened to me with my Trueno Transmission where it won't slip into Forwards on mobile but will shift down into reverse
this is odd happen. but i have also experienced the exactly same thing before on my cars (Simple Hyper, GT-R, R8)with my gear systm applied on it.
on PC, it worked fine till the moment i shift the gear down into "N" (can't even drive reverse due to this..). if i try to do that, the entire code just went to"😵😵💫💫??", while the mobile version never making this problem..
@AndrewGarrison why?