Remember this?
Probably not.
Anyways, after a bit of haggling over some conditions, I've agreed to vouch for the setting up of long-term efforts within Graingy to someday begin business with the Soviet Unity (warning, information somewhat outdated) of one Ivan Ilya Ivanovich ("Cursedvich").
The part that may affect you folk is that I'm not entirely certain how this may influence my position as an employee of Graingy. Technically speaking this is outside my typical purview. Matters with the Ivanovich-type entities are usually a Soian concern, so perhaps this is overstepping my bounds as media manager...
In any case, I think this will be an... enlightening? Intriguing? Intriguing, endeavour. If things go desirably, I may secure a new business partner for Graingy.
And if they go poorly?
Well, I'll be in it deep for meddling with one of Soia's most favoured client entities while going around the empire's authority. Cursedvich is deceptively important to them, for a mortal.
(Metaphorical) fingers crossed I don't get fired!
@OrangeConnor2 Sorry
@ComradeSandman Well shucks.
@OrangeConnor2 no
Is this blackmail material I see?
@IvanovichTheRussian whya
I forgot about myself.
@IvanovichTheRussian Oh, it's you again.
@TheRealAndrewGarrison He's been doing as well as ever. Doesn't face much resistance in his own endeavours. Nobody can stand up to him.
What ever happened to ol ivonavich?
In the odd case anyone has any inquiries, I suggest replying to this account instead. I check it much more often.