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Why my time between posts is longer now + What's coming next.

33.7k SPairforce  one month ago

So, as some people may have noticed, the time between my uploads on the site has gotten significantly longer than what it used to be. I've gotten busier in school this past year not to mention that the builds I am working on are becoming ever so slightly more complicated thus making the whole process longer. As for what I have coming next, I only know that it will be completed sometime in 2025. It is something that I have never previously attempted before so it make take even longer than usual for me to finish and upload it. I hope that when I do eventually upload it that it for you all.

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    33.7k SPairforce

    Given how much homework I usually get anyway, I doubt much would surprise me at this point.

    +1 one month ago
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    61.8k TheMouse

    School can smell fear.
    You cannot let them know that you are busy or they quadruple your assignments.

    one month ago