Alright so, the only laser weapon mod is outdated and broken. Is it possible for someone who actually knows how to model and code to make a new one?
Also, if not already planned, can lasers be in SP2?
18.6k MosquitowithaMachineGun
2 days ago
Just set a gun's velocity and firerate very high and edit the color, then set the damage pretty low. bit glitchy but not too hard to pull off and it really feels like a laser.
@MrPigee same I don't have a pc. I wish for one though
Just improv since the mod doesn't really work properly in the latest/final patch anymore
You'll still run the risk of being targeted by armed ground units cause they'll still register it as a hit regardless of damage once you fire
@ShinyGemsBro @overlord5453 I know, but I ment like an actual laser. Like the Tatical Laser mod
@ShinyGemsBro And if you want a Targeting Laser, Just set the damage to 0
, the third number is the length of the bullet tracer. ex.1,1,
Alternatively, you can:
XML change it's
, and both explosion and damage scalerAlso raise it's rate of fire, but be prepared for guaranteed visual bugs
@overlord5453 👇
You could turn a gun into a Lazer
If only, and if only i had a PC
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