Thank you all for getting me to 1000 followers. I apologize for my absence from this site the past several months and for not releasing a build in much longer. My 9 years in the game pushed my to study aeronautical engineering and that has taken up all of my time the past 3 years. Hopefully I can actually find a job next year because being broke Isn't fun anymore.
I would like to release a build as a bit of a celebration but with how little I've been active I think all of my saved ones are a bit dated so I'll have to do a bit of work.
Furthermore, I would like to prematurely address the million-billion comments about when the F-18 will be done. IT IS. Kind of. There's a couple minor bugs I would like to fix before release but all major components/functions are done. I'm not sure anyone will be able to run it since it has a performance cost of 8455 but I'm just ready to be done with it.
Anyways, thank you all and here's some pictures.
@kaidenmcateer not how an emp works but okay
@TheCommentaryGuy I was talking about if you load this plane your computer will most likely catch fire and be a bit like an EMP (late)
@kaidenmcateer that's the E/A-18G
Mf I will take all 8k parts, my phone will either run in or it will be a worthy sacrifice
F18 is an emp it self🤣🤣
the Rhino :))
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Ukraine even uses the same rack for their SU-27 and MIG-29 just to carry the AGM-88
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 no? thats literally how the F/A-18 attaches the AGM-88 because that is its adaptor rack, the rack is made for the AGM-88.
@2Papi2Chulo no probs
@TheCommentaryGuy it can change based off of loadout though
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 like i give a damn if its the exact same loadout, im just showing the AGM-88 rail attachment
@TheCommentaryGuy still not the same loadout
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 the AGM-88 is in the same pylon?
@TheCommentaryGuy Shouldn’t be a hard fix. Thanks you.
T, on both
@TheCommentaryGuy that’s a different loadout
the AGM-88 HARMs arent attached like that, its like this
Keep going!!!
Glad to have you back :)