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Opinion: on plane crash posts

775 NalanjiWaffles  one month ago

I Would like to start this statement by saying no harassment towards ANYONE that i might mention here. anyways people who create aircraft liveries to have things such as "737-300 Helios Flight 922" or add detachers on aircraft are slightly distasteful at best or disrespectful at worse. if you design a aircraft livery or modify a aircraft with the sole intention to be a recreation of the aircraft lost AND do not make it a memorial or have ANY respect for the lives lost in a terrible tragedy like a plane crash, shame on you. IF you put effort into your liveries and/or be respectful to the lives lost in the plane crash aircraft that you recreated it is alright for me, albeit slightly distasteful.

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    To be fair, actually taking someone else's plane and renaming it "Boeing 747-SR46 JAL 123" is really annoying or worse, disrespectful to those who lost their lives in that ill-fated flight. However, some stolen posts have a higher number of upvotes than the original owner.

    20 days ago
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    because I got the tray table down
    and the seat reclined in the wrong position
    and I got the tray table down
    and the seat reclined in the wrong position
    so I crawled from the twisted burning wreckage
    I crawled on my hands and knees for 3 full days

    one month ago
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    the in flight movie was bio-dome with paulie shore, oh, and 3 of the airplane engines went out, and the plane went into a tailspin and crashed into the hillside and everybody died, except for me, y'know why?

    +1 one month ago
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    @LM0418 welp, thats how the world goes but its sure fun to rant!

    +1 one month ago
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    @JP11 yeah i agree with you, its all bronze rank kids who do all this plane crash things, its really bugging me out whenever i download a aircraft and it has a accident registration. i change it as soon as possible so i can do my flights (or run out of fuel mid air because some guy forgot to add a inf fuel tank)

    +1 one month ago
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    @Mod what i mean by memorial crafts is aircrafts that can fly and dont have memorials in their name more a memorial writing in their description EG: RIP To all lives lost on SpongeBobair 9099

    one month ago
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    28.4k LM0418

    Although it’s impossible to change the minds of underaged zero friend weirdos it feels good to rant about these things.

    +2 one month ago
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    Mod Mod

    Per the website rules, sympathy and memorial crafts (e.g. long live flight xxxx 2/04/22) are not allowed as craft posts, and should be posted on the forums instead. If you have a problem with a post breaking the rules, promptly report it and/or tag a moderator.

    +6 one month ago
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    16.5k JP11

    The thing is with these type of people is that they come up with excuses as well, something along the lines of: "but i just wanna have ppl simulate crash" and i genuinely think that's just mostly bs. imo these kids who make these stuff are genuinely insulting real life incidents and to those who have lost their lives. there is no sense of respect for those and coming across these posts are imo heavily distasteful to say the least.

    +3 one month ago