I was building a 400 part mecha and forget to set partCollisionResponse to none, pls it's like 400 parts, I'm gonna cry if there's no way to turn all of em to none
Edit: nvm solved it using PowerGREP5 trial and some headbashing lol
I was building a 400 part mecha and forget to set partCollisionResponse to none, pls it's like 400 parts, I'm gonna cry if there's no way to turn all of em to none
Edit: nvm solved it using PowerGREP5 trial and some headbashing lol
@Pnut good
@overlord5453 just made it, damn I don't even know these powerful kind of stuff existed
@Pnut before you do, make a copy. just in case
@Pnut good luck
@overlord5453 yep Im trying that using PowerGrep5 rn, hope it'll work
Maybe you could use a file editing app for this. Quick edit could be helpful but proceed at your own risk.
I'm so cooked💀
I'm cooked bruh