Hola me preguntaba como puedo hacer que los rotadores no vibren o sean lo más rígidos posibles por que cuando hago un avión muy grande o pesado a pesar de usar las alas estructurales estás vibran por el tamaño de las alas o con los rotadores del tren de aterrizaje al ser el avión muy pesados estos se mueven o vibran. Gracias por su atención
@Ernesto123536 Overload. You have to enter it yourself, it’s not shown by default.
@Graingy Bro, do you know how that value could be put in the rotor please?
@Rb2h very useful one
@Graingy first time hearing that xml value
@Graingy sure
@Rb2h @Boeing727200F would you agree on damperMultiplier being a good solution?
@Rb2h jaja thanks for translating bro 🤝
@Boeing727200F thanks for translating bro 🤝
@Graingy thanks Google translate
Hello, I was wondering how I can make the rotators not vibrate or be as rigid as possible because when I make a very large or heavy airplane despite using structural wings they vibrate because of the size of the wings or with the landing gear rotators since the plane is very heavy, these move or vibrate. Thank you for your attention
@Graingy Google Translate my beloved
He wants to know how to make rotators stiffer and be as rigid or strong as possible
Can we get a translator in here?