Please consider adding the following features from SR2/Juno to the new SimplePlanes:
1) Resizing is far easier in SR2, which greatly benefits freehand building.
2) Grouping/ungrouping, copy, mirror, array of objects should be implemented.
3) Texture application options are needed.
4) Object snapping is more effective, and mirroring has fewer errors compared to SimplePlanes.
5) Basic solid rocket engines should be included in SimplePlanes, as some airplanes use Rocket Assistant Takeoff.
6) Modifications for jet engines, propellers, and landing gear would be welcome additions.
Additionally, I’m not a fan of the prop-related features in SR2/Juno; I find them lacking. The Juno community is kind of dying, or isn't as strong as that of SimplePlanes.
@RepublicofWrightIsles true
Juno is hard to controll
@StockPlanesRemastered yes
I hate the attach points in Juno and that's the reason I don't play it. Line 2 and 4 are not valid.
I agree
@PlaneFlightX Yes, I agree that. Please do not remove the old. By the way, your computer builds and Youtube channel is amazing - that is what I love about the SP community.
Some of those features could be useful, although I am extremely proficient (muscle memory too) with using the existing building methods, and I simply could not use the SR2 interface. From the teaser screenshots it seems to be very similar to the current SP, and I hope it stays that way (at least in terms of existing features and the layout). That said, new features can be useful, although they should complement/be an alternative to the existing tools, instead of replacing them.
@Jundroo @AndrewGarrison
@TheMouse Yes, very good with group, copy and array
Grouping parts would be amazing!