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The Great Nation of Astoria!

180 THEBIGGAKLIPA  one month ago

Astoria's Flag

Green : Isle of Wright (Freedom)
Blue : Ocean (Reach)
White : The (Prosperity) that is in between
Yellow : The Sun (Hope)


Astoria is the nation inhabiting The Isle of Wright, Eastern Yeager Island and Sky Park City™, their fleet consists of the USS Beast, the USS Tiny and 2 Alright-Blanke Destroyers



Astoria started out as a small colony of Braitoria on the Isle of Wright that gained independence through a war with Braitoria in 1920, after which developed a great underground city under the northern island of the Wright Isles where they started developing new aircraft to get around and built their 1st Runway.


After Astoria found great amounts of steel and oil near the shore, Braitoria got jealous and launched an attack on Astoria in 1939. Anticipating the attack, Astoria Absolutely crushed Braitoria and managed to steal Braitoria's Aircraft Carrier (USS Tiny) in a stellar Night assault on Krakabloa and managing to get a foothold on the eastern Island, which they later used to make to make Yeager airport.


Braitoria Signed a peace deal in 1951. Ever since then, tension between Astoria and Braitoria has been high which lead to an arms race between them to develop the newest tech.