Light attack jet
- Toggleable Autotrim
- Custom Radar Screen
- Custom HUD
- Selectable Jettison
- Landing Assist
- Automatic Drogue Chute
- Toggleable Interior Units (metric/conventional)
- Compass / Optimal AoA Indicator
- Clock
- Custom Weapons
- Range Calculator
- 1: Navigation Lights
- 2: Arm Chute (automatically releases when landed and braking)
- 3: Arm Airbrakes
- 4: Toggle Landing Assist* (works better with AG3 ON)
- 5: Arm AG Weapons
- 6: Arm AA Weapons
- 7: Jettison Armed Weapons
- 8: Toggle Autotrim/Dampers
VTOL: Flaps
* Flip the switch on the compass. Landing assist will lower the stick sensitivity and try to keep the plane at the shown speed. You should try to keep the plane at the indicated AoA
I definitely totally will not create sub assembly’s of the HUDs