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I May Not Have a Brain, Gentlemen, But I Have an Idea.

14.3k Griffon1  one month ago

Now heres a post rambling about my current thought process, how original. But Im really just looking for feedback on this and whether its a stupid idea or not.

So anyways,

So Ive been on a bit of a Star Fox binge recently and Ive come across some potential material here.
So I was playing Star Fox Assault, arrived at the boss fight with General Pepper's Flagship (Which is more the size of a heavy bomber or gunship but thats what they call it in the game), which is a larger ship than your typical fighter, but with a certain capability that's really cool
The ability in question is to be able to transform from a bomber-like ship to something more like a flying mech or gundam.
Now in the past I built the AWU Model 002, and thought this would be a natural evolution of this concept, to make the mech mode more capable in the air, as well as increase its anti air capabilities in all modes.
The thought also occurred to me to tailor the three existing modes into more predefined attack profiles, having the new mech mode fill the role of the VTOL mode, and adding a faster, air-to-air oriented mode to engage aircraft. My thought on making this intuitive would be to leave the A2A and A2G profiles activate based on your selected weapon, and having the mech mode activated by landing gear, so I dont have to deal with that AG2 nonsense as on the previous model
Now in an ideal world I could have this built with the godlike turnaround for the Model 002, and I hope this is the case, but we'll have to wait and see, I s'pose.
I'll probably sketch up a design plan eventually so I have some direction regarding the aesthetic also, so I guess keep an eye out for that. Im gonna draw upon my observations in Star Fox assault and probably try and make something similar in aesthetic.

So what are your thoughts folks? Am I onto something or have I just lost it as per usual?