even though chrome is faster but it doesn't have the ball score on the front display, plus I can see the profile photo and image again after a long time (in chrome I often experience incidents where the profile photo and image in the description cannot be seen)
@Monarchii agree
anyway, just chill, we're not a big nation(as in known), we're minor Asians, most Americans cant even name that much states.. I think.
@PemainKuantitas I mean, 2020 season 5 ain't gonna be any different from previous season, and if anything, the US of A is having it worse(for always, I guess) and Canada... hell I think everyone actually. in other words, im pretty sure we're on the bottom rung of the list of year shames, hell, isn't our national debt like one of the lowest in the world? if KPK does it job better we might as well actually be the southeast tiger we once was! well, kinda anyway, fuxk me if I don't love that fuxking Indonesian Light Cruiser KRI Irian(a.k.a Sverdlovsk-class cruiser, Orkhodnikidze was it? the former name, ah whatever.)
@Monarchii both are possible, of course not. Actually, I just don't want the country's disgrace to be known, it's embarrassing.
@PemainKuantitas damn u rite, cart kind or bike kind tho, Malang or not? man, now I want a nice ass bowl... beats the rain any day since the weather's gonna be an ass for the whole week according to BMKG, like, RAIN ON ALL 5 DAYS!?? c'mon I gotta work man, I don't like getting wet even with raincoat
@Monarchii Looks like we have to end it, I'm afraid there's a meatball seller in front of our house
@PemainKuantitas it's politics, hunting the root of the problem is the last thing they do regardless- like, I know its an ol' ass news, but didn't some higher ups in the govt like, did online gambling? and when asked, and I quote, "just trying it out" LIKE COME ON MAN
@Monarchii Yes, even though it's better, it still doesn't seem serious, I mean why not just get to the root of the problem.
@PemainKuantitas honestly I would get the reason "online gambling" but most of them are still up eitherway so wtf kominfo? oh im sorry, KOMDIGI, fxcking hell.
@Monarchii sorry, I meant block
@Monarchii I often look for browsers with anti-blocking features because as you said, many interesting things are prohibited in Indonesia and recently the government is working better, I see for myself that the ban works on UC Turbo
shxt, anything is better than chrome. I use free adblocker browser(used to) and Stargon with duckduckgo as the search engine but shxt ever since duck got banned here in Indonesia I've been in contempt having to use Google for my search engine. yes I could use VPN, I could also eat a mattress- it's inconvenient
opera gx is flaming garbage, chrome is fast but kinda sucks, Edge is fine, I guess