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Fun facts

69 Michiganstatepolicethe2nd  yesterday

The me-262's swept wing actually didn't contribute much to speed and was thought to just be a way to balance the CG of the massive engines
The majority of Vietnam war conflicts were actually won by Americans, the war was lost on a technicality, because after the USA got north and south Vietnam to make a peace treaty and american troops where pulled out, north Vietnam invaded south Vietnam (very very dumbed down, I probably left a few detail's)
Eminem is in his 50's

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    37.6k Graingy

    "Please we've killed so many of you, give up!"
    "Go to the hell."

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    29.6k YarisSedan

    @Boeing727200F i misread "faces" as "feces" bruh xd

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    ok those are some interesting fun facts
