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Question To Moderators & Developers + Rants

108k LunarEclipseSP  one month ago

Do you guys actually feel overwhelmed to handle one anarchist user which is recently tried to harass you all including developers and senior users? Yes this is regarding this current attack (possibly rage-baiting or seeking attention in a wrong way) by one user. This user has VPN network with him so everytime he got IP Banned, he still can evade the ban and creating a new alt to continue his action. So maybe reporting seems to be pointless since he still can evading ban and consequences thanks to the VPN Network that he has. He always come back just like what does William Afton aka The Purple Guy from Five Nights At Freddy's did, he always come back.

It seems like this one controversial user trying to overwhelm the auto-moderation system and trying to broke this website server outage, eventually activating the "lockdown protocol" of this site.

Not because our game might contains anything related to Israel that doesn't mean that our game is supporting Israel or zionist or neo-nazism type shite. The sky has no limits so everyone can do whatever they want with the rules and condition. It's not about politics or real life conflict that we should support this country or that country. It's about how fun the game it is. This guy is being too political. Me myself to be honest and must admit it, did not supporting zionism and I ultimately stand with the other county (u knoe the one taht start with the letter P) but I tried to not being too political by acting like "Oi the I-country sucks arse terrorist and I stand with P-country free P-country FREE P-COUNTRY!" No mate! I tried to being neutral and civil and playing by the god-damn rules. While this bollocks took everything too far and radically attack this site by throwing some hard-R and F-bombs to the developer teams and moderators and hell even the senior users like us. This tit-arse wanker is really concerning.

Okay so my language might sounds inappropriate but god heavens forgive me mate! I am kinda pissed off and really concerned with the existence of this radical fortnite kid-type user.

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    Mod DeezDucks

    As WNP said, they just want attention, no need to give them any more than you need to report and move on. If anything it's a bit amusing but that's about it lol.

    Pinned one month ago
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    Dev WNP78

    There's no need to give the person or the matter attention really. Maybe you occasionally see a spam comment, you report it and move on with your day, it gets cleaned up at some point. All they want is attention, all we have to do is not give it to them, and they'll eventually grow up and think back and cringe at how they thought that they could somehow "destroy" a game company and it's wonderful community by... checks notes being annoying on the internet.

    Pinned one month ago
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    creating an account is not difficult but also not easy. This community makes me more careful when typing

    +2 one month ago
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    39.0k Graingy


    tit-arse wanker

    You're approaching Britical mass

    +4 one month ago
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    38.2k V

    Irony, in its broadest sense, is the juxtaposition of what appears to be the case on the surface and what is actually the case or to be expected. It typically figures as a rhetorical device and literary technique. In some philosophical contexts, however, it takes on a larger significance as an entire way of life.

    Irony' comes from the Greek eironeia (εἰρωνεία) and dates back to the 5th century BCE. This term itself was coined in reference to a stock-character from Old Comedy (such as that of Aristophanes) known as the eiron, who dissimulates and affects less intelligence than he has—and so ultimately triumphs over his opposite, the alazon, a vain-glorious braggart.[1][2][3]

    Although initially synonymous with lying, in Plato's dialogues eironeia came to acquire a new sense of "an intended simulation which the audience or hearer was meant to recognise".[4] More simply put, it came to acquire the general definition, "the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect".[5]

    Until the Renaissance, the Latin ironia was considered a part of rhetoric, usually a species of allegory, along the lines established by Cicero and Quintilian near the beginning of the 1st century CE.[6] "Irony" entered the English language as a figure of speech in the 16th century with a meaning similar to the French ironie, itself derived from the Latin.[7]

    Around the end of the 18th century, "irony" takes on another sense, primarily credited to Friedrich Schlegel and other participants in what came to be known as early German Romanticism. They advance a concept of irony that is not a mere "artistic playfulness", but a "conscious form of literary creation", typically involving the "consistent alternation of affirmation and negation".[8] No longer just a rhetorical device, on their conception, it refers to an entire metaphysical stance on the world.[9]
    (Quoted from Wikipedia)

    +4 one month ago
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    @SPsidearm the copypasta was promised to them 99999 years ago......

    yes im talking about that kishersmord guy which spammed countless builds comment sections saying these were designed from an israeli fighter jet.... when in reality its not even close to a fighter jet and his comment spam isn't even related to the build

    one month ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @OverlordPrime exactly, it's like hearing most politicians yapping nowadays, strange, incoherent, and just overall really goofy

    +3 one month ago
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    7,883 SPsidearm

    Hey uhh can i get my bio back

    one month ago
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    7,883 SPsidearm

    Its almost useless and annoying as talking about Algebra to some kids.

    +3 one month ago
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    We shouldn't give a flying f#ck about these people or their politics.

    +4 one month ago
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    @StockPlanesRemastered The guy who previously named AeroSultan.
    Njh1 has nothing to do with this concern

    +2 one month ago
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    7,883 SPsidearm


    +3 one month ago
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    @SPsidearm is it Aerosultn or Njh1?

    +1 one month ago
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    7,883 SPsidearm

    The guy in question is AeroSultan.

    +2 one month ago