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SimplePlanes Map - Feedback & Suggestions

10.6k rimiha  one month ago
Welcome to the online map of the SimplePlanes. Here you can enjoy exploring it's world in details.

Link: [SimplePlanes Interactive Map]

How to use:

  • Move the map in viewport by dragging the mouse;
  • Zoom to the pointed area by scrolling;
  • Use buttons to quickly navigate across main islands;
  • Use checkboxes to hide or show location icons;

If you are on mobile:

Once map loaded, you will see just blue screen: touch the screen to render map and start use it. And be ready for little lags, probably caused by size of pictures


[Jan 31, 2025]

The main changes concern the mobile version and usability:
- The side menu has received a minor design revision;
- Fixed zoom on the mobile version;
- Added the side menu for the mobile version, with full functionality;
- Added a pointer for the mobile version.

[Feb 2, 2025]

This update generally adds the PC content, making SimplePlanes map complete, including main discoverable islands, secret locations and tiny (unnamed) islands:
- Brown Pearl
- Maywar island
- Kraken
- 4 tiny islands between Wright Isles and Maywar
- 4 tiny islands between Krakabloa and Snowstone
- 5 tiny islands between Krakabloa and Kraken
- 1 tiny island between Wright Isles and Krakabloa
- Also added a checkbox to hide/show the content that is only available for PC version of a game
- Added a hit counter

[Feb 5, 2025]

  • Added the "Path Builder" tool. This tool allows you to visually build a route from points on the map, and export their coordinates. This tool will be useful for anyone who creates planes/drones/cars/ships whose movement is predetermined by a set of points with XYZ coordinates. Such systems can also be called: custom AI, custom autopilot, waypoint system, self-guidance, homing system. To build a path, select the compass icon in the top-right corner of the viewport. Then, start putting points by clicking on the map. In the bottom-right corner of the viewport there is a dialog box with the output and possible actions: undo (delete the last point), copy (copy the built path in JSON format to the clipboard) and clear (delete the built path)
  • Added a "Measure" tool. Its a tool for measuring and navigaton. Click at ruler icon in the toolbar, and put two points on the map. In the output you can see the distance between point, X and Y components of a distance, and also Heading angle if you move from point 1 to point 2 and vice versa

If there's anything missed in the map, or it doesn't works properly on your device/browser, kindly ping me in the comments with some details. Also i will be happy to know your ideas! Thank you
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    10.6k rimiha

    @YarisSedan Lol, missed it a little bit. Gonna add it with PC content soon

    one month ago
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    10.6k rimiha

    @MonsNotTheMonster Yeah, I was thinking about adding tools for measuring distances, creating paths, etc. That's for the future.

    +1 one month ago
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    38.2k V

    I'll throw this into SimpleCheats once I get a chance

    +5 one month ago
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    10.6k rimiha

    @ShinyGemsBro Wow, didn't really expect it to break like this considering that i was using Chrome when developing. Is it up to date? Have you tried other browsers? Is there any error messages in dev console?

    one month ago
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    @YarisSedan I'll check it out

    one month ago
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    29.9k YarisSedan

    @MonsNotTheMonster yes, it is completely vanilla

    one month ago
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    Please add some measurements, like kilometers and miles. And great map too

    +2 one month ago
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    @YarisSedan a mod or vanilla?

    one month ago
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    31.5k TunderTunder

    pls make NuclearOption map. I can provide 8k res maps, svgs, tgas etcs

    one month ago
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    29.9k YarisSedan

    black pearl also exists on mobile too

    one month ago
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    52.6k ShinyGemsBro

    Acer Travelmate, Google Chrome

    one month ago
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    10.6k rimiha

    @ShinyGemsBro what's the device/browser you use?

    one month ago
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    50.7k PlaneFlightX

    @ShinyGemsBro I have the same issue

    one month ago
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    52.6k ShinyGemsBro

    The map breaks whenever I zoom out, and stays stuck if zoomed in with a blue quarter circle
    Other than that, it pretty much works fine as long as it isn't zoomed

    +1 one month ago
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    This is amazing!! o:

    +3 one month ago