I've read that mod support on mobile has been discontinued due to the new sec policies built into the new versions of Android...
How would someone implement mods into the android version if that person was running Shizouku with NMM which allows full file system access?
If anyone has suggestions I would love to try them out and breaking the game is OK because I have an apk of it incase of reinstall needed. Pitch your ideas!
@PlaneFlightX I think the point I was alluring to is what would someone have to do to adapt the android version and or the file to make either compatible with the other. Even if it has to be unpacked and repacked as the apk.
@FlyOnTheWall rename it didnt work for me
i think it has to be the android version
@FlyOnTheWall I think the mod itself has to be specifically exported for android, as when I attempted it many years ago I got a lot of warnings about missing build support for Android, etc.
@griges you can always rename it to the android extension
@griges I'm on same game ver but android 14. I didn't see it in the mods menu. ;(
tried other mod, if not mobile didnt work for me
it has to be (mod name.spmod-android)
after dropping in mod folder, have you activate it from mod menu in game?
the maywar map work for me
my SP 1.12.205
MIUI 14.0.5 Android 13
@griges so I dropped the malwar mod into the mods folder and I'm not seeing any changes to the game. What version are you using on what os ver?
@griges yes I did. But I tried sp parts plus mod and 3dobj import. I'll give Maywar a shot and see if I can adapt it to other mods as well.
why you can't?
you already using shizuku right?
and you sure you copied to
folder?try this
@griges also I've been trying to figure out adding maps so I can play with trains etc.
@griges NMM is a hex editor, txt editor, and file browser compatible with shiz. I like it because it's all inclusive.
But I've tried to drop a couple mods into that folder but it didn't seem to make a difference in my game. I assumed that they needed to be added as some sort of declaration or dependency for them to show up under the mods section in the main menu.
hahahaha yeah it works
i just downloaded maywar for android
copy the downloaded "mod-name".spmod-android to com.jundroo.SimplePlanes/files/mods
I checked
theres file com.jundroo.SimplePlanes/Mods in the Android/data
maybe copypaste the mods there???
i tried entering level with engine restrictions (eagle glider) and remove restrictions from Level.xml
i can enter the lever with propeller plane
it doesn't give "full" system access. but now i can access,read and write in the Android/data folder, should've be locked
MiX is xiami explorer. use zarchiver instead and turn on setting (ROOT->Type of root->shizuku)
some apps and game put save data on Android/data. i usually back it up, works fine
but to apply simpleplanes mod, i haven't try i haven't look on to any mods yet
@griges tell me more please.
oh yes idk, i used mix and zarchiver, both shizuku compatible
@griges nmm is a file browser and editor that is compatible with shizouku to give non root users file access and permissions.
Right. But my main concern is whether or not I would have to include the mods in the resources files/ lists, or the manifest etc. If I wanted to add a mod or a new map, which folder would I extract the files into and what other dependencies need to be updated where it will show in the UI? That's pretty much where I'm having issues with getting this to function.
I'm sure it can be done, certain mods are actually incorporated into the base game and while I have not personally decompiled the APK I'm sure the structure is pretty similar to how the mod would be installed if it didn't come prepackaged.
what is NMM
and how you put mod on mobile?
if its just need access on Android/data. yes it can. and pretty safe