Behold, the mighty s**tbox
2007 Perodua viva sxi
Feeds on uranium and cyanide
1.0 + 0.5 engine with turbo from the Congo
5 speed stick shift that hasn't have any problem after 17 years 👍
Cars older than me
Engine lights up 24/7 (no kidding)
Broke down 3 times in the last 4 weeks
Had a crash in 2023
Converted to a daihatsu 🔥🔥 (poorly assembled btw)
Genuinely the first car I was in after I was born
Might make this car in sp also
“OLDTOWN ☆彡” Goes hard🗣️🔥
@YarisSedan your thinking of what I'm thinking
anyways I meant 1999 Nissan frontier
absolute beauty
@EagleMan010 my first thought when you mentioned "nissan pickup" are "technicals" xd
@Dissent3R camry is based
but 1999 Nissan pickup is perfect
@YarisSedan wouldn't mind a camry for a first car tbh. I grew up in those
@dr34m i mean the forum post itself xd
@YarisSedan um I wasn't being sarcastic 😭
@dr34m i just realized now you're being sarcastic xd
idk why my goofy ahh took so long to realize that lmao, still a nice car tho (and certainly more practical than any SUV's and crossovers i bet)
@YarisSedan oh all peroduas especially the viva is reliable as hell, that's why students always pick the viva as their first car. Although I don't know about the actual daihatsu tho, considering it is part of the mira line it's probably in the same tier of reliability
also, i thought these malaysian license built versions were just as reliable as actual daihatsu's no?
ngl, i kinda want to have a 2009 proton sata as a second car to go alongside my future main car, the 2007 toyota vios (after i'm old enough to have a driver's license that is lmao)