This is my first attempt to make something more then just replicas. Feel free to comment. You can find video here. Also you can find planes form that video in my profile, or just go by links added in video desription. Have fun! =) Here is save file that i used for recording: link
@deusalgor k
@RedstoneArmory i will mention you in save file. I just start record when when i was already in air.
How do you make the airplane start from ground?
@TheMasterSoldier just a magic of subassembly crafts. :) I can upload save file if you want.
Thanks for your support, guys! =)
@goboygo1 @ElGatoVolador
@Noman0rumeral thanks. But YouTube "autocorrections" ruined video in some places... a little lesson to learn for me - never use autocorretions in video =)
This is really good
Thanks man! @DeezDucks