The FCT (Fastest Car Time) is a competition of my cars with more upvotes or more iconics.
This is the first year of this competition, but whe have many cars here.
Not a challenge for simpleplanes or something, it's just to show how fast ordeer cars are compared to others. It's just marketing fkr my cars LOL
Main cars:
Vortex X1 Attack
LF-Vision PRO
Do clear laps at Gold Prix
Only cars with more than 8 upvotes or cars that changed my concept of how to build cars. (LF-01 F-1)
100% original cars (non-tuned)
Only FW's cars allowed. Oreca 07 LMP2, Valkyrie or Jesko are not allowed.
All class of cars allowed. (SC, TT, LF, P---)
Top 5 of the year:
1° - Vortex X1 Attack
2° - LF-05B F-1
3° - LF-06B F-1
4° - LF-01 F-1
5° - LF-Vision PRO
All times:
Vortex X1 Attack: 0:54
LF-Vision PRO: 1:02
LF-05B F-1: 0:55
P500-X1 LMH: 1:04
LF-06B F-1 2026: 0:58
Vision P400: 1:03
LF-01 F-1: 0:59
• Vortex X1 Attack is the actual fastest car that i ever made and the first to have a image on his post inless of a car in the void.
• LF-Vision PRO is slower than other cars, cause hes the actually a concept of the [classified].
• LF-01 F-1 is just here because he was my first F1 ever. He's the Guardian.
• Some cars just impressed more than expected: P400 faster than P500
• LF-05B F-1 is the second fastest car by your insane grip that compensed the slower speed than Vortex X1 Attack. If it had a Honda or Ferrari enginer...
New lauchments (probaly):
LF-07 "Magma Tears"
P300 LMHd
Some day i will know how to post videos or images at foruns.
@FWMotorCompany nah I'm good
@SPTNR you're really going to make rules to a Endurance Championship for simpleplanes?
@FWMotorCompany ooh ok
@SPTNR but ac challenge of Endurance on todays simpleplanes would not be bad, whe had much good endurance cars; whe just need the rules.
@SPTNR i think tou didn't read everything, this is not a challenge it's just to show my fastest cars.
If i would make a challenge it woulld be for Endurance races like LeMans. Sorry
Reward wehn
Can I join
Btw I'm gonna send you a picture if I broke your record