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Working Autopilot, Free To Use, easy to apply

743 griges  16 days ago

so i tested to some propeller and jet engine,it work as i expected. if anyone wanna help test on fighter jets or other supersonic jets, it'll be appreciated... but it needs to fly ok without FT input

or.... change every Roll,Pitch,Throttle,Yaw in the FT to this one . it'll be tedious but i guess someone eventually do it

this is ver.1 ill try to make next one with bank angle control and Vertical Speed control and maybe waypont and auto land if i understand the coordinates and predicting it.. for now will just improving this, and practicing more

here's the link for the craft
simple autopilot

accepting suggestions. and if any of you know where can i learn about coordinates and waypoint and for landing in SP pls let me know