Resident FT-not-getter here.
Anyways, trying to get a gauge to represent afterburner level.
Afterburner is controlled by Throttle>0.91, something I yoinked from MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26.
Is there a way to make the throttle gauge only active above 91% throttle, or better yet show what percent through 91-100% it is (i.e. 95% would be roughly 50% on the gauge, give or take)?
I figured out the message thing.
"<alpha=#00>" : "<alpha=#99>"
If I'm getting this right, it picks one as an "overlay" or something depending on whether it's getting a true or false on if a target is selected.
@Graingy try again with the edited ft. Changed 1.111 to 11.111
Okay, screw it, I'm gonna take a look at that darn guide.
Just used my extremely limited html knowledge to get a music file to play on an unmaintained ~25 year old website, so I suppose I'm feeling hackerman enough already.
If a large explosion is detected somewhere over the Pacific Ocean then somehow I managed to create myself a virus that made my computer explode. Wish me luck.
Try this @Graingy
Throttle>0.91 ? (Throttle-0.91)*11.111 : 0
Will set value to
if throttle>0.91, if false, will be 0.(Throttle-0.91)*11.111
means that throttle is at 95% would have output of 44.44% after subtracting the 0.91 wich is where the throttle is off and multiplied by 11.111, and at 100%, value would be at 99.99%Everything is in theory, I'm kinda retired.
On another FT-ish note,
<size=100%>{TargetSelected ? "" : "<alpha=#50><alpha=#00>"}Text
Will make text appear when a target is selected. How do I do the inverse? How do I make text disappear when a target is found? I tried inverting the brightness values, but that don't work. Keep in mind, this was created entirely by reverse-engineering, so I don't actually understand what each part of that does.
@Axartar Tested it, seemed to have worked.
@Graingy not 100% sure, but if its anything like most calculators, its approximated to a bunch of decimal places. but it might make some rounding easier somewhere, any benefits are probably undercut though, by its long size
@Axartar Ah, I see. 100/9 would be the absolute correct value.
Would FT interpret that? I'd need to consult the guide page...
@Graingy a fraction makes it so you never rounded. 11.111. Is slightly less than the true value, it’s up to you
@Axartar i don't follow?
@Graingy if you are using the *11.111 one, if you want higher resolution (more decimal places) use 100/9. If you struggle with label stuff, i got examples you can take if you need
@Axartar Well, fortunately the pinned solutions work.
@Graingy Dont be, thats just good coding, there are usually 100 ways to achieve the same thing, that said, there will be one optimal one. I know for the invis label that it does work. as for the Throttle thing, Im pretty sure it would work, but that s mainly if I understood what you wanted
@Axartar I am uncomfortable that I've seen so many ways here to accomplish the same thing.
This does not bode well.
@Graingy change the opacity value e.g.
colour = colourHex{TargetSelected>0? 00 : FF}
make sure to put speech marks around the ff and 00, it wont format right here for sm reasonand as for the throttle you could do it with
would show what i think you want, such that it shows the percentage after 91% and treat that 9% as 0-100%e
@Fiat133 I made a promise that I would delete the account if it passed yes ocd.
"I am a genius" @Graingy Newton~
@WzNick What?
@WzNick let me guess... ocd?
@Graingy you are Graingy Newton
@Fiat133 trash builds. I wanna be forgotten
@griges Already got a functional response, but I suppose I can use that as a study example in trying to learn this allforsaken language.
to activate gauge at 91%throttle just put this in activation
so it is on at 91%for the needle, just
inverselerp (0.90,1,Throttle)*100
so the gauge will count 90% as 0, and 100% as 100or delete *100 if you want the result 0-1
@WzNick completely understandable, but why did you delete your account in the first place though instead of leaving it as is?