I am still alive and well 😆, and I am grateful for all of you, You have supported my work and encouraged me for years. Because of that, I gained some experience working with Unity.
After some time, I decided to learn programming, and after completing my studies, I became a full-time Unity developer. I now work at a game development studio in my country, and I am truly thankful.
Unfortunately, I can't answer every question or update my mods due to a lack of free time.
But anyway, thank you all for everything!
@RobertsAeronautics who knows 😃
@Kakhikotchauri1 Cool! Will working with Jundroo be the final goal?
@Kwoshent i am living in a third world country, also i am junior developer so salary is small, but i love what i am doing and i am constantly trying to improve myself and write quality code, but as far as i know salaryes are very good in developed countries
How much is the salary? I've also made game dev/ software development in general as my future career goal once I graduate college (graduating from senior high school next few months btw).
Nice To See You're Fine
oh hey, glad to see you kickin alive! I'm still grateful for the mods you have man, always XD
Literally my goal right there. Hopefully one day xD
oi dude
long time no see
Idk who you are but that's pretty wizard