I got this game because I wanted to strap jet and propeller engines on piles of blocks.
Eight years later and I'm sitting here reading a programming guide for it.
How the fu-
I got this game because I wanted to strap jet and propeller engines on piles of blocks.
Eight years later and I'm sitting here reading a programming guide for it.
How the fu-
@TheMouse It's got to be pretty bad for me and Grain to agree on something.
@TheMouse listen to the citrus man.
@TheMouse Could you not have at least considered amputation?
That was intentional. Otherwise the mouse would be too far to the right. And vertically positioned looked too weird.
@TheMouse As a side note, I suddenly realized that the tail on your profile picture/logo parody ever so slightly overlaps the ring. I hate it.
Yeah, thats it
@TheMouse Text to speech?
Idk. Its on some phones i think
@TheMouse A what?
@OrangeConnor2 Yep :D
Oh you have got to be kidding me. I need to learn FT?!
One of those fancy read out loud systems.
@TheMouse How did you think I used this site?!
you can read????
@ComradeSandman WHAT
@Monarchii Tick, tick-
Tick tick tick tick tick-
I didn't get how simple the "sum" FT at one point like WHAT DOES THIS MEAN even though it's literally... that
@Graingy yeah
@Boeing727200F But shouldn't?
@Graingy they did
@Boeing727200F But wouldn't?
all i wanted to do in SP when i got it is make half decent planes that could fly
@Graingy oh ok
@SuperSuperTheSylph Oh, no, I was commenting on the fact that the FT guide doesn't actually explain how you write stuff out. Not very helpful.