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PEA builds in SP1 will be converted into "semi-realistic" through SP2

38.7k LukaIsDevinFather  24 days ago

Foreword: So by the end of the month I have a plan of wishlisting SP2 on my Steam account (you may ask me what would be my Steam account) while saving an increment of ~100-200 Philippine pesos (~2-3 USD) per week on buying it on my personal computer.

And as a plan all PEA-ish builds in SP1 will be recreated into VR-capable, "semi-realistic" builds into SP2. In a time period, much of the builds will be built into PEA format as possible as when the sequel appears, work will be done as instant. Due to this, the Shikanoin Heizou I (Lyra Type 701) will be the first victim of this as time passes.

And I wish that the devs will carry Juno's fuselage configuration system into SP2.