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583 Bobjoezonehill  9.1 years ago

So, am i the only one who is kinda annoyed about the game combat being a "sure-shot" mechanic? By sure-shot, i mean that im almost every instace, it's 1 hit OK. 1 successful missle is understandable, dont get me wrong, but 1 bullet? Really? there are plenty of stories from every war, from WWII to vietnam about planes coming back from combat looking like swish-cheese. Well, in vietnam that was rare, but planes then could still take hits pretty good. Look, all im saying is that it gets old (to me at least) when my cockpit is ejecting, and i look whats left of my plane and see that it is still very much flyable. (This happens often when i dogfight with gun only equipped planes). Or how ablout when i hit the AI plane on the wing-tip and suddenly all that's left is landing gear and the cockpit

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    ya i think the bullets should do les dammage mabey in a future up date we could see a health bar for part and explosion size in editor because irl plane dont go kaboom instantly if it were to get shoot one time also mabey sensative parts engine, guns,wing and less falling apart and more not working

    8.9 years ago
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    9,187 LT556

    @Bobjoezonehill That's a pretty good score, considering the matchup.

    9.1 years ago
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    I had several close range fights and the prop plane's guns did the fighter in. however, missles beat the snot outta the propplane. The AI just doesnt know how to take advantage of ranged missles very well, as the fighter plane never tried real hard to get distance for missle shots

    9.1 years ago
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    9,187 LT556

    @Bobjoezonehill Make a slow, big prop plane. Fight a small, fast, nimble jet fighter. Tell me how may times you win out of 25

    9.1 years ago
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    Lol. Ive done that! Umm, i lost 10-3 @Sirstupid

    9.1 years ago
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    9,187 LT556

    @Bobjoezonehill Well then fight a really fast and manueverable plane in a junker to make up for it. Difficulty problem solved haha.

    9.1 years ago
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    Yeah, i do agree that it's hard to aim, but i like that because it add realism. Contrary wise, other games like ace combat have an aim assist type deal. I kind of like the difficulty to hit things. @Sirstupid

    9.1 years ago
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    I found it really dissapointing when i give the AI a big plane, and one hit to a wingtip blows it to tiny pieces. To compare: my plane and the AI plane had a MID-AIR COLLISION! He hit my wing with his nose! I lost a part of my wing (i was flying my green floating bird which has divided wings) and he disintigrated. This means that mid-air collisions cause less damage that a bullet.

    9.1 years ago
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    At least it isn't point scan!

    9.1 years ago
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    9,187 LT556

    The reasons for this: a) there will often be one or two more bullets, b) oftentimes the block hit will blow up on another one, damaging it. c) the fuselage pieces are often big, d) it's also there to assist players, as it's hard to aim.

    9.1 years ago
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    792 Legosail

    I believe the bullets are treated as a block almost, as if it was hitting you. I have gotten only a tail wing knocked off before, but there is no penetration.

    9.1 years ago
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    We really do need a better damage system.

    9.1 years ago