Honestly, I'm a newbie here (i am joined kinda a year ago but still i not pretty serious at this game so i miss a lot.) And i got very confused with model that have M-War at the title.
Can someone give me a context or explain it to me very quick? Just curious =D
@DeeganishCountryball @RB107
Alright, to answer the question in the absolute shortest way possible:
The Original M-War began when Monarchii stole a machine gun from MouseWithAMachineGun123 (Now TheMouse) as a joke, but it escalated into one of the biggest modern wars in SP history. Don't worry, it stayed civil, both in the war and in real life. In fact, it was a massive bonding opportunity, most if not all of us who fought in the M-War are still friends today.
Now as we approach the 1-year anniversary of the M-War (sometime in March), there's colossal hype about a second M-War, which will be a civil war between the two sides of the Monarchii (who lost the M-War to the MGLA, Machine Gun Liberator Allies, who got the stolen MG back after the Monarchii mysteriously disappeared).
As for the two sides in M-War 1:
-The Monarchii, something of an actual monarchy whose head and namesake is none other than the whimsical Monarchii. Actually quite a nice guy, like I said the whole thing was just a joke that got escalated a bit much (Monarchii stole an MG, TheMouse declared war, CrestelAeronautics and I took it too seriously, and bam, now you have the M-War)
-The MGLA, the Machine Gun Liberator Allies, who were essentially a band of rebels who sought to return the stolen machine gun to its rightful owner. I was a member of the MGLA, as was Crestel, MIGFOXHOUND, and windshifter. We would win the war, and with no Machine Gun to liberate anymore, we renamed to MDA: Mouse Defender Allies.
M-War II pertains the same sides, but with two others amongst the Monarchii:
-The Loyalists, people who are, as the name suggests, loyal to the current rule of the Monarchii, and wish for the old way that has stood forever to remain.
-The Reformists, the ones who wish to usurp the current system in favor of a new, communist rule within the Monarchii.
Anything else I can help with?
Fun fact:
I technically started it
@TheUltimatePlaneLover I have one more question, can i or other regular player join that war? (like join with one side or making a new side) If it possible, what requirements should we obey to legally join?
@TheMouse typo moment
I love steel, but don't steal it pls.
@TheMouse your machine guns should be steel though
To keep it simple: don't steal my machine guns.
Okay and thank you for the explanation, @Monarchii
M-war II is coming tho
@RB107 pick a side and help a side by building something.. but there was no moderation so it got fuxked fast lmao
@DeeganishCountryball Monarchii and MDA, ask @TheUltimatePlaneLover lol
@RB107 Hallo
Oh hi, @DeeganishCountryball
@Monarchii A devastating war that starts from a silly act huh? Very interesting! Okay, but how you bring other player in that war?
@Monarchii who are the sides and who do they Contain?
it's a short abbrev for "Monarchii War"(yes, I'm the one in question). it's a whole ass war, ehy did it start? i stole a machine gun, bam :3