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What makes the game crash [Solved]

3,359 AfkSlot  5 days ago

No im not asking how the game crahses on start, its something with a build i made which made these guys crash

[Click the image to find that build]

i have thought of the sources of the issue which were, The 3d vector size of the fuselage and the control base which none of them worked. Can anyone comment the source of the issue?


Here is the fixed version

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    @AfkSlot confusing... then, I had no idea why

    4 days ago
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    3,359 AfkSlot

    @LunarEclipseSP uhhh its 991... and also i tried passing the limits of the fuselages front and back scales

    +1 4 days ago
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    Might be the massive drag points or performance cost. But if it's not the case, that might because of the Fine Tuner which can affect the performance while rescaling your build into massive size.

    4 days ago
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    Its probably the ver. or the hinges or shapes and sizes and all of them you tried but didn't work its the ver. for sure @Afkslot

    5 days ago