Yeep, the Republic of New Raxria is at war, AGAIN, this tie with TheMouse cuz 1 Machine Gun was Stolen (I stole it)
So Now We're At War With TheMouse
Yeep, the Republic of New Raxria is at war, AGAIN, this tie with TheMouse cuz 1 Machine Gun was Stolen (I stole it)
So Now We're At War With TheMouse
@TheMouse I'm honestly laughing though lmfao
I mean, it is a bit abrupt...
@TheMouse Can we just White Peace if I give the Machine Gun back?
I really need better security….
@DeeganishCountryball mmm, JSDF post-war :3
@Monarchii So What Are The Limits for my Military?
@DeeganishCountryball ello
@Monarchii What Do I Need to Give Up in the Military?
@DeeganishCountryball de-armament for you then, juuuuust enough weapons to defend yourself :3
@Monarchii And According to the Surrender Laws, You Surrender, You Cave Into the Winner's Demands
@Monarchii (Instant Surrender)
@DeeganishCountryball it means why the tension was there in the first place.. like WWI, archduke was the catalyst for the war!
okay, so greediness, I'm joining the MDA
@Monarchii Well, If That Is What that Means
Nah That's Too Much (Steals 1 Gun)"
That's Practically what happened
@Monarchii Does "explosive behind it" mean Why The Catalyst Exists?
@DeeganishCountryball that's the catalyst :3, but what's the explosive behind it >:3
@Monarchii Well First Obviously I Stole A Machine Gun
That's Part 1
@DeeganishCountryball I forgot, but it's Mouse something abbrev. also, I wanna see who'll convince me, and Mouse has yet to do that so ;3
I mean yes, machinegun and all, but make it fancieh y'know ;3
so anyway, there has to be a plot, what is it?
@Monarchii Wait Who's The MDA Again?
And Why "buuuuuuut"?
@DeeganishCountryball mmm, we'll see.. I do have a bad blood with the MDA, buuuuuuut
@Monarchii So Uh, Are You Joining A Side?
Yep, We'll See how TheMouse reacts
now to see how @TheMouse reacts..
@Ghiza sry
Yes Both are Fine