pls dont sue me
Update: click here to join me!
Look at my pfp if you don't get it.
@Axartar You’ve marinated long enough. Degloved pp
@Graingy 😭
@Axartar You better not have, or… well, I’ll let you marinate in the possibilities.
@Graingy I uh-, I was in a dark place- I swear I didn’t mean it
Much better than graingys pfp
Explain THIS!
@Graingy wh- No, I can explain- it’s not what it looks like
@Axartar you’re dead to me.
We are absolutely going to sue you unless you present a real good case why we shouldn’t. And no, you’re not appealing to the court, you’re appealing to us.
ok that's hilarious
@Axartar Why thank you!
@Monarchii Want a link to it? this may help?
@TheMouse I can't see it because my phone is old lol, it doesn't load kinda thing
@Monarchii You could use this as your award
@Graingy Its your move now...
Update: click here to join me!
Look at my pfp if you don't get it.
@Axartar You’ve marinated long enough.
Degloved pp
@Graingy 😭
@Axartar You better not have, or… well, I’ll let you marinate in the possibilities.
@Graingy I uh-, I was in a dark place- I swear I didn’t mean it
Explain THIS!
@Graingy wh- No, I can explain- it’s not what it looks like
@Axartar you’re dead to me.
We are absolutely going to sue you unless you present a real good case why we shouldn’t.
And no, you’re not appealing to the court, you’re appealing to us.
ok that's hilarious
Why thank you!
Much better than graingys pfp
Want a link to it?
this may help?
@TheMouse I can't see it because my phone is old lol, it doesn't load kinda thing
You could use this as your award
Its your move now...