Probably more. Possibly much more.
As the forum I posted the other day explain, my laptop crapped out.
Anyways, it’s with the tech support monkeys now. Pray for it.
No SP, no writing (shame as I’d just started something), no War Thunder for me.
Difficulties abound.
Anyways, just giving confirmation that this is what has happened, so if anybody and I mean anybody gets on my ass about just posting forums and never craft I am not going to take it kindly. Just saying.
@TheMouse "Somewhat", but not entirely!
Sleep soundly, Mouse.
“ evidence of the actual existence of this bizarre culinary practice is somewhat lacking.”
I should say so!
@TheMouse Hey, Mouse!
@factpoultry hun g y
@Monarchii huh
@Graingy well, you are what you eat
@Fooooooooooo Yes we know you like thorn.
@TheMouse Well stop being such a good tissue paper!
@rexzion sorry to hear that
Don’t sit outside and look sad, it’s bad for business. Do it down the street at @TheMouse’s.
guys my mom grounded me i cant play anymore :(
@Monarchii that’s very normal for a paperclip
@Graingy it's mutilated though, the paperclip i mean
@Monarchii … I swear to all if another cult has formed in this company…
@Graingy probably idk, something-nsky about it's their god or some other thing?
@Monarchii sounds like some boring accounting business.
@Graingy oh good, I haven't returned the loaned sage paperclip
@Monarchii No, you haven’t given us your address.
… and I’m still not sure if we’re a corporation or not. I don’t think we are?
That’s 90-91 days. Since I got the game running again IIRC.
@YarisHatchback yeah, shit sucks.
What’s extra annoying is that there’s this one teensy weensy button only found in War Thunder (or another Gaijin game) needed to use WT mobile to save a streak.
Which I can’t access. I’m pretty pissed off.
@Monarchii You confound me.
@Graingy hell yeah