Yupp,it is da schmexy one ;)
In honor of MAPA,there will be [AI] instead of usual [PEA] tag.
Currently equipped with four MICA-IR missiles and one centerline tank,but i plan to add more drop tanks,Meteors,AASM Hammer and Storm Shadow.
Also,reworked the FCS(from Zerø's PEA Eurofighter).
so yeah...go ahead and order up,Loyalists and their allies :)
and apologies for so many tags,i just wanna know who would be interested
s h wee
Snowstone National Constabulary:
MDA 3:
MDA 2:
MDA 1:
@EagleMan010 okiiii
@SuperSuperTheSylph yes please
@EagleMan010 dunno,i just copied over the tags from TUPL,somehow you were not in them
i can add you to auto tags if you like
em where is me in tag
why not invite me to the barbecue
@Dracul0Anderson 4.5
What generation is this? Cause Skypark is currently rolling out sixth gen aircraft, and I'm not sure anyone else is.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover yuppp :))
my photo editing skills improved a lot since i found about the dev console
Dang ThaT looks good
@Monarchii okii i wonder what that is
@SPsidearm ahhh okkk
"What is next?Pepper pistol?Wasabi gun??"
@SuperSuperTheSylph I'll tag you later then or something lmao
a term used for De-rocketed MLRS vehicles with mounted CIWS systems. Often paired with HAWK missiles, which is a small Weapons.
Uhhh, could u add my prototype missile to it? (When I'm done and make it it's own variant)
The salt Rafel
@SPsidearm ik there is a gun motor carriage...but that small?