Apologies for the ugly edit, I was forced to do this on a computer running Windows 10. Windows 10 MS Paint is substantially worse in most ways, save not having to put up with anti-aliasing.
@V aren’t the ingredients a massive pile of semicolons?
I don’t think this is the best analogy seeing as I have no idea what “pre-baked” would mean in terms of code and programs.
@Graingy nerd talk for you can take the ingredients and turn said ingredients into GIMP. Or you can just download the pre-baked GIMP instead of the one you have to bake yourself
@V well, I’d assume seeing as its name is synonymous with photo editing. I more meant what it can do that something like MS paint can’t. A lot, I’d take it, but what exactly I do not know.
Is Gimp as capable?
@Graingy it is the industry standard for photo editing. If you've seen a YouTube thumbnail, read a brochure, looked at a poster, seen the cover art for a video game, it was made in Photoshop.
@V MS paint serves all the functions I've needed, save a select few. It's familiar and comes with the OS, in any case.
Never used Gimp before. What can it do, relative to MS paint?
Apologies for the ugly edit, I was forced to do this on a computer running Windows 10. Windows 10 MS Paint is substantially worse in most ways, save not having to put up with anti-aliasing.
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@V aren’t the ingredients a massive pile of semicolons?
I don’t think this is the best analogy seeing as I have no idea what “pre-baked” would mean in terms of code and programs.
@Graingy nerd talk for you can take the ingredients and turn said ingredients into GIMP. Or you can just download the pre-baked GIMP instead of the one you have to bake yourself
@V you can download it and what
@Graingy completely free and open source. You can download the code and compile it yourself
@32 blame the rodent.
I poked fun with HTML, they decided to get back at me.
And here we are.
I am confuzzled as to how this started. Hilarious though.
@V Hm, I see.
Maybe I'll have to consider it some day.
You say completely free. It doesn't have any weird caveats, does it?
@Graingy gimp isn't as capable, but it's still far more capable than any version of mspaint
@V well, I’d assume seeing as its name is synonymous with photo editing. I more meant what it can do that something like MS paint can’t. A lot, I’d take it, but what exactly I do not know.
Is Gimp as capable?
@Graingy it is the industry standard for photo editing. If you've seen a YouTube thumbnail, read a brochure, looked at a poster, seen the cover art for a video game, it was made in Photoshop.
@V Never used photoshop. Not entirely sure what exactly it’s capable of.
@Graingy it's essentially just an alternative to Adobe Photoshop. It's also completely free
@V MS paint serves all the functions I've needed, save a select few. It's familiar and comes with the OS, in any case.
Never used Gimp before. What can it do, relative to MS paint?
@Boeing727200F Time.
And because Solent whipped your asses.
@Graingy install GIMP
@Graingy you should rate all of the current graingy logos we have made.
why not?
@EagleMan010 oh joy, another.
@Graingy ok
graingo trend in sp
You have captured their souls and minds.
@YarisHatchback I kinda forgot what I was supposed to say