I just bit a three billion dollar chunk out of TheUltimatePlaneLover's bank account.
Contact me if you'd like to make a purchase.
I just bit a three billion dollar chunk out of TheUltimatePlaneLover's bank account.
Contact me if you'd like to make a purchase.
@Graingy ok unlicensed it is.
And yes I will be buying the houseflies
@Monarchii Yeah, big bite.
@jamesPLANESii Talk to your automotive repair shop.
@Boeing727200F We don’t license designs. 5 Houseflies would run you around $7,500,000 and be deliverable by… eh, I’d say the 5th. We have a lot going on.
can i have the blueprints and license to build license built models of the housefly?
also 5 houseflies
please I need to pay off my car repairs and also buy a luxury yacht :(
ooh, hungy
Ah o
@MosquitowithaMachineGun Big sale. 149 aircraft across various types, as well as another fifteen, uhh...
Huh? Please explain further