I checked onto UziDoorman's profile before I download the planes to make different liveries/variants and the profile bio says The world doesn't need me. Does that mean he already finished the builds or he's done with SimplePlanes and need to move on? Even there are some build he need to make but somehow I don't know what happened, just being curious. Hmm, it made me a bit confusing. Because I don't want to see all his wonderful passenger and cargo planes gone because I need those planes to make liveries and other sub-variants.
(Will be deleted soon) Something happened when I search to UziDoorman's profile
2,320 MultiverseProgadeClan
8 days ago
@dr34m ahhhhhh that explains alot
Like a two months ago he posted a forum titled "If I leave Simple Pienes, will these planes be enough for you?" Suggesting that hes leaving sp. If I'm not wrong he's 16 now and that's where most student start focusing on education the most
@Dissent3R mb, i thought it was something serious at first xd
@YarisHatchback he's doing fine
@MultiverseProgadeClan it's worrying for a different reason, as if that ominous sentence implying the world "doesn't need him" isn't obvious enough, whatever he's going through irl, i hope he makes it out
@YarisHatchback Yeah, after seeing through all his beautiful blank-base aircraft, he said in the description that we can make liveries as long as he can see our post.
@Boeing727200F Same, I don't want to let all the hardwork gone because we liked his airplanes just to make liveries.
@Graingy exactly what i'm thinking aswell
that's... worrying
… that sounds a hell of a lot more concerning than someone just leaving SP.
lets just hope the worse case scenario wont happen, and we all know what that is...