As ik your probably aware I got a PC
And have simpleplanes on it (duh)
I would like to know if there any good tool/map mods that make screen shots look better or help I'm the process of
- thanks :) bye
As ik your probably aware I got a PC
And have simpleplanes on it (duh)
I would like to know if there any good tool/map mods that make screen shots look better or help I'm the process of
Zoom mod and right clicking+dragging your mouse with the game paused and the UI hidden (F9) is the most important thing. Then Reshade, then mods. I have a Reshade tutorial if ya need it.
any good graphic mods
replace X with appropriate number, e.g. 15 for zoomies, 0,100,0 for higher camera
I use! android.
I do have Dev codes tho
>>CameraManagerScript..SetCameraFov X
for the zoomies//MainCamera>Camera.set_depth 10
for no UI//MainCamera>Transform.set_localPosition X,X,X
for budget android freecam.
then I edit it on other places
Freecam, Zoom, Fog Changer, and (optional) custom light. Reshade is also super useful, but I'd only recommend it if your device can handle it.
ReShade is a good utility
I would tag the others... but they wouldn't really benefit from this post in any way.... and I can't remember the os you use specifically soooooooo... here ya go ig