I thought it would be cool if i were just to make this,it is inspired by those DCS campaign covers <3
Should i start something like a PMC or something?Because....i dunno.
I thought it would be cool if i were just to make this,it is inspired by those DCS campaign covers <3
Should i start something like a PMC or something?Because....i dunno.
Snowstone National Constabulary:
MDA 3:
MDA 2:
MDA 1:
@SPsidearm idk yet,have to consult with MDA with everything
Your PMC X Jaxcorp? :3
@SuperSuperTheSylph Np bro :D
@TheUltimatePlaneLover okkkk thank youu
@SuperSuperTheSylph Ohhh
That should be alright
So far Bandit is the only safe and open option, but you'll have to check with other members in the MDA
@TheUltimatePlaneLover PMC is a private military company
Homeplate is just another word for the airbase
@SuperSuperTheSylph To be honest... Idk what a PMC is lol
Nor a homeplate... elaborate, please?
@MonsNotTheMonster lesgoooo,love u <3
i finished the flight model already
@TheUltimatePlaneLover mhm....are there any rules against it?
if so please inform me...
@SuperSuperTheSylph PMC...?
@SuperSuperTheSylph yeah sure, afaik the block 20 got a new radar and new missiles, but we don't have those on sp, only missles :v
@MonsNotTheMonster also could i try making it into block 20?
@MonsNotTheMonster i will go with FA-50 since it is more similar to the F-16
thank uuuu <33
@SuperSuperTheSylph yes PMC. For fighter jets, realistically, you can go with the cheaper one, the F-5, but if you want a more modern one, try the FA-50(you can just modify mine for you own needs xD)
@MonsNotTheMonster with what?PMC?
honestly y not
i plan to have fighter jets and AAAs in the inventory
@SuperSuperTheSylph try helicopters. Similar to the 160th soar's inventory
@TheUltimatePlaneLover ohhh i have a question
i am making a PMC rn and idk really of what to use as the homeplate(since it is focused on aerial warfare)