This is the historical, political, geographical, and definitive-ical forum for all that happens in my Fictional universe *The Greater Earth *
Quick description:
This will be updated frequently at first so what you see today might be different tomorrow. I'm adding things constantly here so bear with me.
Major Countries
Country: Wzehkhastan
Location: East Aseion
Political alignment: Independent Republic
Capital city: Krasmkaah
Population: 1,510,047,093
Language: Russian, Kazakh
Gained independence: 1945
Gained independence from: Crotian SSR
Country: Crotia
Location: East Aseion
Political alignment: Soviet Sovereign Republic
Capital city: Moskive
Population: 3,851,772,534
Language: Russian, Chinese, Spanish
Gained independence: N/A
Country: Oberstine Empire
Location: North Ober
Political alignment: Sovereign Republic
Capital city: Ober city
Population: 3,470,879,500
Language: English(American)
Gained independence: 1775
Gained independence from: Arthurian Empire
Country: Western Union
Location: Western Aseion
Political alignment: United People's Republic
Capital city: Merrshk kram
Population: 369,740,304
Language: Webesh
Gained independence: N/A
Also despite this universe being mine. I'm more then happy if you wish to participate too!
Although busy I will provide you with roundels and other for any nation if you wish to partake
Suggestions? Let me know!
Like I said Updates will be frequent and will be displayed here.
Current update:
@Monarchii it's my forum dedicated for the manufacturing of custom countries in my universe?
Whoops mb
@Rob119 hmmmmmm
@Monarchii if a custom nation is what you want then allow me to redirect you here
@Rob119 I want to enter but idk lmao, just like.. Monarchii(the name and the government as one). it's basically if Britain is as big and powerful as the US, but also with a Soviet-Russian twist XD
main language is English n' Russian, with many other sub-slav languages tucked in within
is just works! ha.
@Bugati87 although slightly confused on what you mean... I think you wish to partake?
@Monarchii hmmm.....
Interesting, but now no (but i want to enter :D)
@Rob119 i don't even know lmao
@Eagleman010 @Monarchii
Would tag yaris but.... well
@YarisHatchback how do you even pronounce that lmao 🤣
we got canaderica before gta 6 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥