And i based it on Simple Planes because i play it so much.
It's made in Struckd by Unity.
You can go to my profile to see the other ones I've tried to make also.
And i based it on Simple Planes because i play it so much.
It's made in Struckd by Unity.
You can go to my profile to see the other ones I've tried to make also.
@Solent thank you for the summary. :)
@FlyOnTheWall [your text here](your link here)
There is literally a guide. Have you ever checked the “useful links” pinned forum post? It should explain everything.
Hyperlinks are Text.
@OrangeConnor2 I would love to if someone would use the markdown ignore syntax to actually show me the proper way to format it. Just using it like that is either a mass oversight or the funniest ongoing joke that has gone way past being funny anymore because it won't show the format the way that you and others have tried to explain this.
I would recommend using hyperlinks like so.