For the past while OrangeConnor2 has been away… somewhere, and despite that he still don’t have his precious MS-039. We must help Mckenzie get the robot bf he’s long wanted!
Who’s with me?
On another note, apparently the data on my laptop is kaput. I think I backed up the most important things, or so I hope, but expect many, many delays. Reshade will be gone too, I just realized. This is gonna be rough. In worse news, the recording of my 20 kill War Thunder match, along with many other screenshots and such, is gone forever…
@Ashdenpaw1 funky
@Ashdenpaw1 Lewd? It's mechanics! Get your mind out of the gutter.
my genuine reaction
Thats not nonsense.
Thats lewd
@Ashdenpaw1 If you can write nonsense, so can I.
@Ashdenpaw1 I'm torquin my nuts, cranking my cogs.
I’m writing a comment
@TheMouse Yeah, ouch. Basically replaced.
Gonna have to spend so much time redownloading stuff and searching for passwords I can't remember to log into stuff...
@PlaneFlightX Tech monkeys said it’s busted. I’d have to pay hundreds to retrieve it, really hope they don’t throw it in the garbage though. I never backed it up, assumed it’d be too complicated and expensive to deal with.
My SSD decided to start working again and I got all my stuff back (which now has automatic backups in place); hopefully your laptop does the same.
@Graingy no thoughts head empty
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 C'mon work with me here.
There's some information that may be helpful in the links.
@Graingy >:) idk
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Wunderbar!
What ideas do you have?
My first idea involves a few thousand tonnes of conventional explosive and a giant block of steel.
@Graingy >:) yes
Yeah, it sucks.
Anyways, we need to get Mckenzie the robot.
@Boeing727200F I may have gotten around like 15 or so once but 20 is a lot even by my record.
Dang bro that's sad...
RIP 20 kill match, man i wish i could have a 20 kill match.
the most i ever got was like 6. in custom matches with bots in reserve tanks i can get around 60~ kills.
R.I.P 20 kill match
1: No.
2: Ha!
Spooky coincidence, but my boot SSD went poof this morning as well. Luckily 99% of my data is backed up, but I lost 1 month worth of work on the SWL-120's mod. It's nothing critical, although it's a setback. I also am down to one laptop while I wait to get a new SSD as well.