Russian is incredibly difficult, try to pass the demo of the Unified State Exam in Russian.
Sometimes I am surprised that Russian is more difficult than physics and mathematics. I say this as a native speaker of this language.
Russian is incredibly difficult, try to pass the demo of the Unified State Exam in Russian.
Sometimes I am surprised that Russian is more difficult than physics and mathematics. I say this as a native speaker of this language.
@Graingy Amen.
@OrangeConnor2 Story of my life...
@Graingy Amazing how little people understand the things they do regularly.
As someone who is trying to learn Russian. Yes I can confirm it's as hard as they say
Remember hearing of some guy who took German in university for a free good grade (they spoke German). They failed/nearly failed.
@keiyronelleavgeek566 да. ок.
@Chaimber0825 huh.
well, is it easy to learn basic conversational skills?
also, sorry to bother you lol
@keiyronelleavgeek566 Yes, because it is not an easy language with a huge variety of declensions, cases, rules and exceptions, types of words, members of speech, and much more.
In many ways it is more difficult than English
wait, so if i wanna learn how to speak russian i have to work really hard?