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i appreciate it you guys!!

6,908 Aviationfilms109  4 days ago

it's been a while and the vehicles here are stuff I might not post, we'll see, but to put it into perspective....thank you, all of you, for giving me so much joy with your kind words and attention, I don't know if my friends are still around here, sam1333 and F14Tomcat1974 specifically, but I owe it especially to them that I posted here up unto now, they were the reason I came here, and the reason I stayed, I don't know if I'd say I'd be leaving, but I can admit that I'll probably be on indefinite hiatus, Admittedly I went long already without any word, so this probably won't come as a surprise to anyone anyways, but still, I feel like it'd be better if I just said it outright, so, as for my last (insured anyways) post will go, here's the thumbnails for vehicles I never got to post

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    @OrangeConnor2 that's valid tbh, I'll think about it 'v'

    +1 4 days ago
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    You know, there's nothing stopping you from dumping a pile of unlisteds in a forum if you never think you'll upload it properly.

    4 days ago